Cyclone Frittata

Today began with rain. The remnants of a tropical storm sweeping up from Baja and across the Sonoran Desert means a green November. The Catalina Mountains are practically dancing with delight and Cindy and I are taking the morning off from just about everything.

She's enjoying a leisurely yoga practice, just for her, and I'm frittering away in the kitchen. Yes, that's our idea of having the morning off.

I decided to rework an old recipe in a new way this morning, maybe inspired by the word frittering...So, here's the Cyclone Vegan Frittata for a Wednesday.

This isn't your basic quick and easy breakfast or brunch muchie, so if you're a kitchen wimp, proceed with caution. But if you rule and don't think it makes you less of whatever you are to wear an apron and whip up some gnosh that not only tastes good but is good for you, I think you'll be happy with the outcome if you just follow the directions:

1) Preheat your oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit. Don't worry about spelling fahrenheit, I already did that for you. 
2) Grease a 9-inch pie pan. I use glass. I grease with grape oil but you can use whatever you want, except Vaseline. NEVER cook with Vaseline. Trust me on this one.
3) Chop some shit. Here's a list:
One Medium Yellow or Red Onion
One Seeded Red Bell Pepper
One Whole Bulb of Garlic, yeah do the whole thing.
One whole zucchini
One pound of Crimini or Baby Bella Mushrooms
4) Add a tsp. of oil to a medium hot skillet and cook the onion, pepper, and garlic for 5-7 minutes. Add the zucchini and mushrooms and cook three minutes longer. Then add 10 oz. chopped baby spinach and cook until it wilts, about two and a half minutes longer.
5) In a blender, cream up one pound of firm or extra-firm tofu, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1/2 cup nutritional yeast, 2 tsp. dry basil, 1 tsp. thyme, 1/2 tsp. dry oregano, 1/2 tsp. tumeric, 1/2 tsp black salt or sea salt, a dash of paprika, and a generous grind of black pepper.
6) Stir the blended ingredients into the vegetables in the skillet, then put all of that in the pie pan.
7) Slice or chop one tomato and put atop the mixture, brush lightly with oil and pop it in the oven.
8) Bake for 40 minutes until golden brown on top.
9) Let cool on a wire rack for 15 minutes, cut, and serve warm. 

Makes 4 generous servings. 

I top mine with hot sauce. Vegan sour cream or ranch dressing would work equally well.


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